• 2lb. piece of pork shank
  • 1 tablespoon of gelatin
  • 1-2 tablespoons of salt
  • 2 teaspoons of marjoram leaves
  • Half a bulb of garlic
  • 1 laurel leaf
  • 4 grains of allspice
  • 10 peppercorns
  • 7 sticks of asparagus
  • Vegetables for a broth
    • 1 large, peeled carrot
    • 1 small piece of parsley root
    • Spring pore
    • Young celery root

A common Polish appetizer, snack and an indispensable element of the Polish Easter breakfast, aspic is a dish that has long been a part of Polish cuisine. It is said that it was even featured at the wedding feast of King Sigismund I and Queen Bona Sforza. Today the aspic appears under many different names across numerous regions of Poland – “Galart,” “żylc,” “Studzienina,” “zimne nóżki” (cold legs) or “nóżki w galarecie” (legs in jelly) when made with pieces of pork leg. Although, historically many different recipes for this savory jelly dish were popular, today the most common recipe calls for the use of pork meat. That is typically how it is eaten in the Lower Silesian region today.

Prepare a broth…
  • Begin by placing the pork shank into a medium-sized pot filled with water.
  • Turn the stove on and allow the water to begin heating.
  • Add in the Laurel leaf, half bulb of fresh garlic (no need to peel), as well as the spices (allspice and peppercorn).
  • Peel and chop the vegetables (celery root, pore, carrot, parsley root) removing each root from the leaves. Cut the carrot lengthwise down the middle into two pieces. Save the celery leaves to use later in the recipe. Toss the vegetables into the pot.
  • Sift 1 tablespoon of salt in over the contents in the pot and give everything a good stir.
  • Cook the broth for about an hour and a half.
  • Once the broth is ready remove all the vegetables and pork shank. Set the carrots and the pork shank aside for the next steps. Strain the remainder of the ingredients in the pot and set the broth aside to cool.
Prepare the aspic…
  • Trim and sauté the asparagus. Remove the woody ends from each piece and place on a hot skillet over a bit of oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and stir it around occasionally for about 5-7 minutes until tender.
  • Pour a bit of cold water over the tablespoon of gelatin, stir and set aside.
  • Cut the pork shank into small pieces and set aside in a bowl.
  • Chop the celery leaves and toss them into the bowl with the meat.
  • Chop the cooked carrot into small, quarter pieces.
  • Prep a 12-inch baking pan by lining it with saran wrap.
  • Toss in the meat, carrot and celery leaves and arrange at the bottom of the pan.
  • Come back to the cooled broth, pour in the gelatin and stir.
  • Use a ladle to pour the broth (now with gelatin added) into the pan over the meat and vegetables.
  • Add in the asparagus, arranging it in the pan lengthwise over the other ingredients.
  • Place the pan in the fridge overnight to let the aspic cool and set.

Serve and enjoy..
  • Remove the chilled aspic from the fridge.
  • Flip the pan over on a cutting board to remove the aspic and place onto a serving platter.
  • Garnish with some fresh herbs (Thyme and parsley leaf work great).
  • Slice a piece onto a plate and drizzle a bit of lemon vinegar over the top.

Smacznego! (Enjoy!)